Instructional videos: UTM | UTSC | UTSG
Before enrolling in courses, check when you will be eligible to enrol by viewing your divisional registrar’s important academic dates, and check your enrolment start time on ACORN. You can plan the courses you want to take using the Timetable builder, and learn if you will be eligible to enrol in a course by checking the “Enrolment Controls” section of a course in the search results area. To plan for your entire degree, check out Degree Explorer.
Once you know which courses you want to take, you can add them to your Enrolment Cart in ACORN so that you can enrol in them without searching for them again on enrolment day. The Enrolment Cart is like adding courses to a shopping cart so that you can save them for later. On enrolment day, you’ll need to enrol in each course individually from your cart.
- To get to you Enrolment Cart from the ACORN dashboard, select ‘Enrol & Manage’ on the main navigation menu on the left side of the screen.
- On the Enrol & Manage page, there will be one or more tabs labelled with the academic session. Ensure that you have selected the tab for the session in which you want to enrol in courses. Then, select the Courses button, or the Courses page from the main navigation.
- Find your enrolment cart at the bottom of the Courses screen. If your cart is empty, learn how to add courses to your Enrolment Cart.
- For each course that you would like to enrol in from your Enrolment Cart, select the “Enrol” button.
- You will see a confirmation modal window asking whether you would like to enrol in this course. Be sure to check the Time column in case there is a conflict with any of your other currently-enrolled courses, and ensure that the activity that you are selecting do not say “Enrolment Blocked” or “Section Full” under the Space Availability column. If a section says “Enrolment Blocked”, the activity or course may be restricted to students from a certain program, year of study, or campus. Please check the Timetable Builder to learn about any restrictions or Enrolment Controls that a course may have.Next, select “Enrol”.
- If you have successfully enrolled in the course you will receive a success notice on the top right corner of your screen and the course will be listed under your currently enrolled courses.