Add or edit my addresses

ACORN asks for your mailing and permanent addresses so that you can receive important communications from U of T. For example, if you expect to receive a cheque from U of T and you have not added your direct deposit information to ACORN, the cheque will be sent to your mailing address. ACORN asks for your permanent address as a backup option in case there is a problem with your mailing address. 

Your mailing address is where you want to receive mail during the academic year, and your permanent address is where you live and want to receive mail outside of the academic year. These addresses can be the same. 

To add or edit your addresses, go to ACORN’s Profile and Settings page.

From the Profile and Settings page, go to the Addresses area from the navigation beneath the Profile and Settings heading.

If you already have addresses on ACORN, you will be able to edit them. If you do not, you will be able to add them.

Adding and Editing Addresses

  1. Select the Add Addresses button to add your addresses.

    If you do not see the option to add addresses, you will be able to edit them instead.

  2. There are three steps to adding your addresses: adding a mailing address, adding a permanent address, and reviewing them before submitting. First, add your mailing address. ACORN asks for the country, mailing address, city, province and postal code. Address Line 2 is optional, and is only needed if you have a very long address that will not fit in the “Mailing Address” field. 
    Canada is the selected country by default. If you select U.S.A, you will be able to enter a State and a ZIP Code. If you select any country other than Canada and U.S.A, you will be able to enter a Province, State or Region, and adding a Postal or ZIP Code will be optional. When you’re ready, select Continue to move on.

    Step 1: Mailing Address of the Add Addresses form.

    An example of a filled mailing address form. Address Line 2 is left empty because it is optional.

  3. Next, enter your permanent address. If your permanent address (where you live outside of the school year) is different from your mailing address, select “No”, and fill in the details. If you select Yes, your mailing address from the previous step will be used. Next, select Continue.

    Step 2: Permanent Address of the Add Addresses form.

    An example what happens on step 2 when your permanent address is the same as your mailing address.

    Step 2: Permanent Address of the Add Addresses form. Since the permanent address is different, additional form fields appear.

    An example of what happens on step 2 when your permanent address is not the same as your mailing address.

  4. Your last step will be to review your addresses. If they do not look correct, you can go back to the previous steps through the step list at the top, or by selecting “Previous”. If they look correct, save them.

    Step 3: Review & Save of the Add Addresses form.

    Step 3 is your chance to review your addresses before saving them.

  5. After saving, you will be taken back to the Addresses page, and a success message will display. You can edit your addresses at any time by selecting the Edit Addresses button. If you move, please return to this area to update them.
    Back on the Addresses screen, a success message states that the addresses have been saved.
  6. On the Edit Addresses page, the addresses you previously entered will be available to edit.On the Edit Addresses screen, your previously entered addresses will be available to change.

Address Errors

ACORN may tell you about errors that need to be resolved before saving your addresses. If you encounter an error, a list of what went wrong will appear at the top of the form. These are examples of errors that you might encounter: 

  • Required fields were left empty. If a field has an asterisk (*) next to it, it is mandatory. If it has the words (optional) next to it, it is optional. 
  • An address is too long. In this case, please add an Address Line 2. 
  • Postal or ZIP Code is in an incorrect format. An example of the correct format is presented above these fields to guide you. 
  • Unsupported text characters are added. Certain characters cannot be added to ACORN. The error message will tell you which ones are allowed.

On the Edit Addresses screen, a list of potential errors is presented.