Can I log into Timetable Builder with my UTORid credentials?

Not yet. It is our intention to eventually provide the ability to log in and use some of your information to customize your timetable.

Can Timetable Builder connect to my ACORN account?

Not yet. It is our intention to eventually provide the ability to connect to your ACORN account, but for now you should keep in mind that the two applications are not connected in any way.

What is the divisional legend?

The legend is the place where the offering division of a course can include general information about their courses, scheduling, or any other information they deem relevant to their students. It can be accessed through the “View Legend” button under each course code in the Results section. If there is no such button, then that course’s offering division doesn’t have a legend.

What is the Timetable Plan?

The Timetable Plan is a feature that lets you generate a timetable more conveniently. It works a bit like a shopping cart. You can add courses that you are interested in, indicate any time preferences that you may have, and let the system generate a timetable for you based on those courses and preferences.

Who do I contact if I have a question about a course, or there is something wrong with Timetable Builder?

You should contact your Divisional Registrar’s Office for any questions or issues. If you have a question regarding a specific course, you should contact the course’s offering division or department.

Which divisions’ courses can I explore in Timetable Builder?

Currently, you can use Timetable Builder to browse and explore undergraduate courses from the following divisions:

  • Faculty of Arts & Science
  • Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
  • University of Toronto Mississauga
  • University of Toronto Scarborough
  • Faculty of Music
  • John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

What is the Timetable Builder?

The Timetable Builder is a tool that lets you search and browse for courses based on a wide variety of criteria, as well as explore and build potential timetables to see how you can structure your schedule.

Please note that Timetable Builder is only an explorative tool. It does not connect to your ACORN account, does not check your eligibility for courses, and will not enrol you in courses. To enrol, please visit ACORN during your assigned enrolment time. For detailed information about course enrolment overall, or for instructions for specific courses, remember to check your division’s Calendar, enrolment instructions and important dates, and the divisional timetable, and if considering courses from another division, that division’s published information.